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The Future Of Work In The Age of AI

What This Initiative Is About


The world of work is in a state of flux. There is considerable anxiety about the impact of AI, Robotics and Automation on the future of jobs and with good reason. The debate on Universal Basic Income versus Universal Skills Upgrading has been raging on as nations try to figure out how to safeguard and create jobs to ensure people are kept gainfully employed.

Yes, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation brings the promise of higher productivity, efficiencies and convenience, but what is the impact of this on overall and inclusive real economic growth?

This is something organisations of all sizes will need to reassess again and again in an exponentially faster paced and changing world. People too will need to re-think the own paradigms of work, how they need to psychologically function as well as the competencies and capacity they need to build in themselves to stay relevant. 

Come join us for this broad ranging talk on The Future Of Work In The Age Of AI, see the research on what people and the experts think and formulate your own opinions as to what you need to do to succeed in this new world that has already engulfed our reality.

What You Can Expect


5 key insights that give you a clear point of reference to chart your future direction starting now. Plus a live demonstration of how AI is already doing what no human on the planet can. 


How This Initiative Is Conducted

This perspective shaping initiative is expertly run as a series of …
Illuminating introductions
Engaging dialogues
Interactive games & exercises
Thought provoking debriefs
Open questions & answer sessions
Reflection time-outs
Relevant case studies
Enriching assignments
Feedback loops


Initiative Outline


The World Of Yesterday, The 4 Industrial Revolutions & Tomorrow.

3 Predictions From 2013, For The World Of 2020 & Beyond. 

The Disruption Is Real & It Has Already Impacted You.

How You Will Need To Think About & Compete In The Future. 

AI Research, What Technology Can’t Do & How You Need To Capitalise On It.

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